Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg
Is a non-profit association who plays an important role in trade and economic relations between Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg. Its main objective is the development of trade and investments between Spain and the states within its territorial jurisdiction.
The Chamber offers its associated enterprises a wide range of trade promotion services, information, advice and logistical and administrative support. It provides essential information about the different markets in Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg as well as professional contacts in its business area community. The Chamber is publicly recognized as one of the most prestigious dialogue tribunes between companies and European Institutions, based in Brussels and Luxembourg.
The Chamber is supported by the Ministry of industry, trade and tourism of the Spanish Government and collaborates in the Internationalization of Spanish economy Plan.
Among the services that the Chamber provides, the most relevant are:
- Trade services: preparing trade missions and listing of companies, providing translation and interpretation services, and identification of European tenders.
- Legal and fiscal assistance to companies and entrepreneurs
- Other promotional activities such as the organization of presentations, receptions, luncheon, and breakfast debates.
Additionally, the Chamber has wide experience in managing employment and entrepreneurship programs, namely:
- EmpleoBelux
- Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
- Reactivate
- EmprendeBelux
- Mobilise SME
- StartCraft
Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg
Belliard 20, 1040 – Brussels
Bld. Emmanuel Servais 4, 2535 – Luxembourg
T: +32 2 517 17 41
Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support
Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support (CWEP) is a non-governmental organization founded in 2004 by group of entrepreneurs, teachers, and social activists from Rzeszów. CWEP cooperates with businesses and educational institutions. Mission of CWEP is to increase the quality of education training at all levels and in all its forms as well as to promote entrepreneurship in order to foster integration of any social group regardless of gender, age and ethnic origin. The aim of the CWEP is to promote and implement the best solutions that serve this purpose. Particularly, the aims are to improve accessibility, quality, and efficiency of education of all people, to promote and contribute to adult education, life-long learning, e-learning, and the usage of new technologies in education and entrepreneurship. The Association works with many partners from Europe in order to strengthen economic position of enterprises and provides on-line platform for companies.
Valencia Inno Hub
Valencia Inno Hub (Innohub) is a Spanish non-profit organization born with the objective of putting together talent, technology, as well as personal and professional development. It aims is to promote entrepreneurship through actions supporting an innovative and technology creation environment, together with a special focus on disadvantaged society groups and their economic and social inclusion. Innohub believes in the necessity of change in the economic model in order to create a more competitive and value-adding economy, facilitating the necessary tools for our companies and individuals.
By mentoring and training Innohub supports entrepreneurs, Start-Ups and individuals from disadvantage groups facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, by empowering them and building their entrepreneurial and self-employment skills, as well as helping them in the search of first employment.
With this intention, Innohub develops many activities to help individuals/organisations to reach their objectives:
- By offering workshops, training, seminars, and networking related to several topics of interest, especially on business development, soft skills, career guidance, entrepreneurship, business models, innovation, internationalization and financing;
- By promoting technologic and innovation cooperation;
- By supporting disadvantage groups and wannabe entrepreneurs from different backgrounds, boosting entrepreneurial skills;
- By facilitating access to R+D+I Finance;
- By providing assistance related career guidance.
Valencia Innohub was created with the end of combining talent with technology and, to achieve it, we intend to promote entrepreneurship through all actions that encourage the creation of an ecosystem of technology and knowledge generation, in order to promote the creation of technology based organisations.
Lifelong Learning Center KAINOTOMIA
“KAINOTOMIA” is a Center for Lifelong Learning (I.C.L.L) in Greece, operating in the field of Vocational education and training. KAINOTOMIA has implemented more than 60 continuous vocational training programs targeted at unemployed people, educators of all education levels, students of higher education, employed/self-employed people and vulnerable social groups, for the development of professional opportunities and their promotion and integration into the labour market and the society in general, through innovative close to market programs. “KAINOTOMIA” provide business consultancy to companies & supporting services and consulting support services to trainees to facilitate their (re) entrance into the labour market. KAINOTOMIA has participated in several national projects, offering a high degree of expertise regarding training in contemporary fields, matching them with those that have a high demand in job’s market, in order to develop trainees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards their integration in the labour market. “KAINOTOMIA” has been participating in co-funded national projects under the name of “local development plans and entrepreneurship for unemployed based on specific local needs and growth potential”. Furthermore, it has participated in EU projects, under Erasmus+, as a coordinator and partner.
“KAINOTOMIA” works closely with various enterprises, having a network of over 60 collaborative partner businesses, mainly industries. Therefore, has a strong network of collaborating associations and partners in Greece and Europe. The organization collaborates with Region & Local Government, Universities and Technological Institutes and Private & Non-Private Companies in Greece and in Europe. “KAINOTOMIA” is a member of Association of Thessalian in Enterprises and Industries and has strong collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas.
Markeut Skills – MEUS
MEUS is a private organisation based in Valencia, Spain, aimed at bettering people´s capacities in their environment, both at professional and private levels. Thus, it focuses on skills development of the individuals at each stage of their life, from school to adult education.
In line with the European strategy related to education, MEUS work on the development of new training materials and methodologies adapted to different target and market needs, so improving the integration on the labour market. It also encourages the development of new business projects, offering assessment and training to entrepreneurs, supporting them in being creative, innovative, and successful in their initiatives. MEUS strongly support new and growing sectors of the economy, and is attentive in the societal changes, therefore we are particularly engaged in issues such as the green economy (and green skills), the orange economy (culture), ICT, adaptation to the aging population and new demographic features generating higher demand in person services, etc.
Association for the Promotion of Old Crafts and Culture “Wici”
Is a non-profit association based in Poland, whose mission is to inform, educate and promote handicrafts in society. We work to restore the value of craftsmanship and the use of crafts in modern industry, design, art and as a leisure time activity.
The “Wici” Association was established in 2016 by a group of educators, artists, researchers, craftsmen and craftswomen. What bonded us was the shared understanding of the value of old crafting techniques and the unique relationship between the maker and the object. Old crafts and industries may no longer be here but have impacted the way cities and communities have developed. Our aim is to rediscover the past anew: to make the public aware of the time, skills and knowledge necessary to make a handmade product – to see and understand the differences between mass produced, and hand crafted and custom-made items. If crafts and handicrafts are appreciated on the market, the work of artisans becomes economically profitable as a full-fledged and sustainable source of income.
To achieve our goals we run creative workshops for adults, children, and different social groups. We hold craft presentations at festivals and fairs. A growing branch of Wici’s activity is craftsmanship promotion online. The Association has published numerous articles, videos, interviews with artisans and open-source learning materials devoted to crafts. We also run an online shop with hand crafted items made by our members and other makers, mainly women. With these activities we aim to build a shared sense of value of craftsmanship in society, which would translate into conscious consumer choices.
What is more, the Association engages in inter-sectoral and international cooperation involving museums, public institutions, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations. We collaborate in projects concerning promotion of cultural heritage, non-formal education, and local identity building.
Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Promocji Kultury i Rzemiosł Dawnych “Wici”
[Association for the Promotion of Culture and Crafts of Old “Wici”]
Południowa 40, 97-400 Bełchatów, Poland
Smooland is a technology and crafts company, founded in 2018 by engineers and designers wanting to shake up the lighting industry. Made up of a diverse team of passionate out-of-the-box thinking problem-solvers, Smooland strives to transform and reshape the way we experience our design world.
In the world of design, whenever the word craft is mentioned most people automatically think of traditional woven carpets, hand-embroidered flowers, and repeat-print patterns. All these associations do represent craft but there is more to craft and its meaning has many different dimensions.
Over the past few years many sectors within the creative industry have evolved and we, as creative practitioners, are curiously seeking for alternative ways to create new products as well as improving existing ones. This curiosity has allowed us to intertwine craft with technology and science in order to produce fresher and more innovative designs.
With all these ideas in mind, Smooland is changing the world with the most innovative smart home solutions, taking ordinary experiences and making them extraordinary. By infusing thoughtful craft design and technological intelligence in their products, Smooland is ushering in a new era of the smart home that focus on complete personalization through technology and crafts.